Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How About Some Ice Cream

They keep talking about the "double dip" in the news and just in case you hear that expression, a double dip is not what you do to an ice cream cone! Well, these days, it is always good to introduce some humor when the news is not always great. However, there is some really good news right now. Rates are the lowest they have been all year. That is really saying something, because rates have been very low ALL year. As a matter of fact, rates on home loans are the lowest they have been in our generation. That is pretty low. Why is that good news? If someone is thinking about purchasing a home or a car or refinancing, it is a great time to move now. Prices are low and rates are ridiculously low, thus the time is right. We need more people to buy homes and cars over the next few months so we can avoid a double dip recession. And that would be a very good thing.
What is the bad news? Rates as low as these are indicative of a slow economy. We just need to see one number from this week to demonstrate how slow things are: first-time claims for unemployment insurance went over the 500,000 mark in the past week. While still lower than the heights of the recession, it was the first time we had crossed the 500,000 barrier since late last year. Once people step up their purchases of homes and cars, this will prompt companies to hire more employees. In turn, this will make consumers more confident to purchase more homes and cars. Then the cycle of economic growth will start back up and talk of a double dip will quiet down. And when that happens, we promise rates will go up. We just can't say when. So, for those who are waiting for the economy to get better, it will cost more for you to purchase if you are behind this curve. The trend setters will just buy their ice cream now while there are enough sprinkles to double dip....
Compliments of Suzanne Smith, HNB Mortgage.
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